Maddie came home last night from Mom and Dad's house where she'd been since sunday. It was soo nice to hold her and feel those lovely cheeks on mine. :) I swear she looked bigger and older! :) she got home at about 7:00 and she was WIDE awake! all night! she was curious and looking around, and occasionally would get cranky, so we did alot of singing and dancing. thank goodness for the music on the tv. :) I've been putting it on the 90's channel and as a side benefit I've been hearing alot of old songs I haven't heard in forever! :) When we were in Elgin this weekend we went to Once upon a child, a kids resale store mom likes to go to and we got her a vibrating bouncer like she has at grandma and grandpa's and the good news is she really likes it! thank goodness! So she spent some time in the swing and the bouncer and for the most part liked both of them for a little while, which was nice. :) chris got home alittle after 11:00 from work and we took her upstairs to try and sleep, hopeing that dark and quiet would convince her she was tired, but it didn't work very well... I don't know what happened after 2:00 cuz chris finally took her downstairs so I could get some sleep before going to work this morning.
I don't know if I mentioned this but Chris got laid off a couple weeks ago, which is why I came back to work early, but this week they've called him in to work 2nd shifts, so I'll be working half days today, thurs & friday. I hope he's able to get a nap in this morning...
I'm totally in love with my girl, but I'll be glad when we can get her on a good sleep schedule. :) Well, that's about all for now. Later Gators! :)
I don't know if I mentioned this but Chris got laid off a couple weeks ago, which is why I came back to work early, but this week they've called him in to work 2nd shifts, so I'll be working half days today, thurs & friday. I hope he's able to get a nap in this morning...
I'm totally in love with my girl, but I'll be glad when we can get her on a good sleep schedule. :) Well, that's about all for now. Later Gators! :)
Sorry she was so awake all night, Ky. She slept like an angel all the way over from Elgin. That probably gave her an energy boost...PLUS she was home with Mama and Daddy and wanted to take it all in. Kiss her for me.