Monday, July 27, 2009

thinking about it

so, I've been thinking and doing some research into cloth diapers. They've come a long way from squares of thin fabric held together with safety pins. they snap and velcro, and they have elastic around the legs. there's so many different kinds! and they even have biodegradable liners that catch the solids, then you just flush the liner and contents away, so it's not so messy. It'll be cheaper in the long run, and soo much better for the environment! I read somewhere that it takes 500 years for a disposable diaper to degrade in the landfills. that's nuts! so anyway, like I said, just something I'm thinking about...

just thought I'd let you know. :)

on a side note I have a headache today. :(:( I've been extremely fortunate, since you all know how much I get headaches, this is the first major one I can remember getting since I found out I was pregnant! hopefully by tomorrow it'll go away. if not then I'll have to go get some Tylenol.

ok, have a great day and talk to ya later!


  1. Teach the kid sign language so you can potty train them at 6 months...

  2. Ky, I had flushable liners 36 years ago. It was still a lot of work. Baby poo is baby poo no matter what. Good luck with that!!

  3. Treva used them once Alexa got a little older. You can ask her bout them. She liked them I think....

  4. I've been thinking about this some more. I DO admire your conscientious environmental awareness. I'm sure it would be more economical too. Just do your research and get info from as many moms as you can to see what they say. Hope the headache is better.
